The latest version of Runaway Princesses is moving along nicely. Here's the last two core classes: the Druid and the Wizard.
By Seb McKinnon |
Hit Dice: d6
Weapon Proficiency: None.
Tool Proficiency: Herbalism Kit.
Saving Throw Proficiency: Intelligence, Wisdom.
Starting Skills: Choose three from (1) Arcana, (2) Animal Handling, (3) Insight, (4) Medicine, (5) Nature, (6) Perception, (7) Religion, and (8) Survival .
Starting Equipment: Quarterstaff (medium, 1d4/1d6 + STR dmg), Dagger (light, 1d6 + DEX).
Level 1: Wild Shape, Spellcasting
Level 2: Wildspeak, +1 Focus, +1 Spell (1-8)
Level 3: +1 Focus, +2 Spells (1-10)
Level 4: Wild Shape Mastery, +1 Focus, +1 Spell (1-12)
You may shapeshift into a mundane animal you’ve seen before up to [Druid Level] times per Long Rest. The animal cannot have more HD than your Druid Level.
While in your Wild Shape:
- You can’t cast spells.
- You communicate as the animal.
- You must turn back into your normal form before shapeshifting again.
- Attributes: You use the animal’s physical attributes but keep your mental attributes.
- HP: You adopt the animal’s HP, determined by rolling a number of d8’s equal to its Level as a separate HP pool. When your Wild Shape HP pool hits 0 HP, you revert to your normal form; any excess damage is carried over into your normal HP pool.
After up to [Druid Level] hours, you revert to your normal form.
You start with 1 Magic Die (MD), and 1 Focus.
Starting Spells: You know all the Cantrips, minor spells which can be cast freely. Roll a d6 twice on the spell-list to determine which spells you know.
Spellcasting: You use MD to cast spells.
- When you cast a spell, spend and roll any number of your MD, up to your Focus, to see how effective the spell is: Dice is the number of MD rolled, sum is their total value.
- Return spent dice that roll 1-3 to your pool.
- If you roll doubles while casting, a random Mishap occurs. If you roll triples, you suffer your Doom. If the rest was interrupted, you can make a CHA check for each MD to have them return to your pool anyway.
Spell Save DC: When a target of your spell is allowed a save against the effects, the save DC is equal to 12 + Druid Level.
Druid Mishaps: Roll 1d6 on the table below when you roll doubles on a spell.
- You lose 1 MD until you take a Long Rest.
- You take 1d6 damage in a dramatic way that’s related to the spell you cast or something nature-flavoured.
- Your MD are exhausted on a 1-2 until you take a Long Rest.
- You sprout antlers for 1d6 hours.
- The spell doesn’t go off until 1d4 rounds from now.
- Gain a fish mouth for 1d6 hours. You cannot speak properly or cast spells.
Druid Doom: You drop to 0 HP and lose your Druidic powers until you destroy something civilized that is more important than the last thing you destroyed.
You can speak to mundane animals and plants.
While in your Wild Shape:
- You can cast spells.
- You can communicate as yourself.
- You don’t have to return to normal form before shapeshifting again.
MINOR GROWTH: You instantly make a flower blossom, a seed open, or a leaf bud bloom.
DRUIDIC PRESTIDIGITATION: You create an instantaneous, harmless sensory effect (falling leaves, puff of wind, sound of a small animal, faint odour of manure...) or create a tiny, harmless sensory effect that predicts what the weather will tomorrow at your current location. The effect lasts for about a minute, and might manifest as a golden orb for clear skies, a cloud of rain, falling snowflakes for snow, etc.
LOCATE ANIMAL: You know exactly where the nearest example of a common animal you specify is, unless there are none within [Druid Level] miles.
1. BARKSKIN: You touch a target’s skin, granting it an extra layer of super tough bark for up to 1 minute: their AC cannot be lower than 15 + dice. However, their movement speed also takes a 10ft penalty, and they are extremely flammable.
2. CHARM ANIMAL: Up to dice animals must make a CHA save or treat you like they would a trusted friend for up to 1 hour. They have A* if they are being attacked by you or your allies.
3. HEALING SPIRIT: You conjure a stationary spirit somewhere within 30ft for up to sum rounds. It heals allies within melee range for 1d6 HP.
4. THORN WHIP: You conjure a thorny vine whip for sum rounds. It has a range of 20ft, deals 1d6 + dice damage, and if a target who takes damage is Large or smaller, you can pull them 10ft closer to you.
5. FOG CLOUD: You breathe out an obscuring fog cloud in a 30ft radius sphere. Sunlight, wind, or heat dissipates the fog in 10 minutes. At 3+ dice other casters cannot cast spells within the fog.
6. WOODBEND: Wood (door, weapon hafts, trees) that you touch bends or unbends. After up to dice hours, the wood bends back.
7. WEAVE: You weave plants within 60ft into an animated rope dice x 30ft long or animate an existing mundane rope. When the spell ends after sum x 10 minutes, the plants return as best they can to their previous state.
8. ENTANGLE: Grasping vines sprout from a point in the ground within 60ft in a dice x 10ft square for up to 10 minutes. The area becomes difficult terrain, and anyone in the area or passing through it must make a STR save or be caught and restrained by the vines. At the start of their turn, they can use their action to make a Strength check to break free.
9. WILD ASPECT: Up to dice creatures you touch gain one aspect of an animal (a frog’s tongue, an eagle’s eyes, a fish’s gills) for up to 1 hour.
10. CALL OF THE WILD: You can summon up to [sum] HD of animals from the area to your vicinity. You may specify the type of animal.
11. SMOKE STEP: You teleport to some place within 100ft that you can see, leaving behind a puff of wood smoke. For each dice above 1, you can take someone with you.
12. UPROOT (C): You touch dice trees or sum smaller plants. For up to 1 minute, you can have them uproot and march to a new location. Trees have a speed of 5ft, smaller plants have a speed of 10ft.
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By katorius |
Hit Dice: d6
Weapon Proficiency: None.
Tool Proficiency: None.
Saving Throw Proficiency: Intelligence, Wisdom.
Starting Skills: Choose three from (1) Arcana, (2) History, (3) Insight, (4) Medicine, (5) Nature, and (6) Religion.
Starting Equipment: Quarterstaff (medium, 1d4/1d6 + STR dmg), Dagger (light, 1d6 + DEX, thrown), Spellbook (what does it look like?), Ink and Quill.
Level 1: Wizard School, Spellcasting, Book Casting
Level 2: +1 MD, +1 Focus, +2 Spells (1-8)
Level 3: +1 MD, +1 Focus, +2 Spell Slots, +2 Spells (1-10)
Level 4: Wizard School Ability, +1 MD, +1 Focus, +2 Spell Slots, +2 Spells (1-12)
Roll or choose a Wizard School - where you literally studied, or the school of thought you were taught from. Your School determines your spell-list and Cantrips, but if you find a spell you don’t know in another spellbook, you can spend 30 minutes transcribing it into yours. When you gain new Spells from advancing to the next Level, these Spells come from your School’s spell-list.
// Roll d3
1. ORTHODOX SCHOOL: Every Wizard Academy teaches magic from the Orthodox school. It’s the greatest hits album of spell lists, full of classics, but lacking a unified theme.
2. ELEMENTAL SCHOOL: Elementalists speak to elemental spirits to evoke powerful elemental effects.
3. ILLUSION SCHOOL: Illusionists study light, mirrors, and the nature of truth to create illusions. They tend to be radical postmodernists.
Wizard School Ability: When you reach Level 4 in a Wizard School, you gain the Level 4 Ability.
Eclectic Educations: When you learn spells from advancing to the next Wizard Level, you may choose to learn new Spells from a different School. However, taking this option ‘locks’ the Level 4 Ability of your original School for you (this doesn’t apply to learning new spells from spellbooks or other Wizards). If you take this option, it’s expected that this is always to reflect the narrative, and never for game mechanical (non-diegetic) reasons.
You start with 1 Magic Die (MD), 1 Focus, and 2 Spell Slots.
Starting Spells: You know all the Cantrips, minor spells which can be cast freely. Roll a d6 four times on your spell-list to determine which spells you know.
Spell Slots: You can prepare a number of spells equal to the number of Spell Slots you have. You can change your prepared set of spells when you Rest, but doing so during a Short Rest requires a successful INT check equal to DC 12 + the number of spells you are exchanging.
Spellcasting: You use MD to cast spells.
- When you cast a spell, spend and roll any number of your MD, up to your Focus, to see how effective the spell is: Dice is the number of MD rolled, sum is their total value.
- Return spent dice that roll 1-3 to your pool.
- If you roll doubles while casting, a random Mishap occurs. If you roll triples, you suffer your Doom.
- Regain all spent MD after a Long Rest. If the rest was interrupted, you can make a CHA check for each MD to have them return to your pool anyway.
Spell Save DC: When a target of your spell is allowed a save against the effects, the save DC is equal to 12 + Wizard Level.
Wizard Mishaps: Roll 1d6 on the table below when you roll doubles on a spell.
1. Take 1d6 damage in a way related to the spell or your school.
2. Can’t cast the same spell until your next Long Rest.
3. Invert the spell effect on the target.
4. Randomize spell targets.
5. The range at which MD return takes -1 (1-2) until the end of the day.
6. You gain a temporary Scar related to the spell’s effect or your school for sum days.
Wizard Dooms: Suffered sequentially.
1. Drop to 0 HP and gain a temporary Scar related to the spell’s effect or your school for sum days.
2. Gain a permanent Scar related to the spell’s effect or your school.
3. Lose your magic forever.
You can cast a spell you haven’t prepared by casting from your spellbook, but casting a spell in this way takes 10 minutes.
// Orthodox
PRESTIDIGITATION: Choose one effect to create within 10ft:
* You create an instantaneous, harmless sensory effect, such as a shower of sparks, a puff of wind, faint musical notes, or an odd odor.
* You instantaneously light or snuff out a candle, a torch, or a small campfire.
* You instantaneously clean or soil an object no larger than 1 cubic foot.
* You chill, warm, or flavor up to 1 cubic foot of nonliving material for 1 hour.
* You make a color, a small mark, or a symbol appear on an object or a surface for 1 hour.
* You create a clearly illusory image that can fit in your hand and that lasts until the end of your next turn.
MAGE TOUCH: Move a light object with a wave of your finger. You could cause a coin to roll along the ground or turn the pages of a book.
WIZARDLY QUILL: You create a magic quill in your free hand, which has the following properties:
* The quill doesn’t require ink. When you write with it, it produces ink in a colour of your choice.
* You can erase anything you write with the quill if you wave the feather over the text.
1. MAGIC MISSILE : A single target within 120ft range takes [sum] damage or you create [dice] glowing darts of magical force that each deal 1d4 damage to targets within range.
2. KNOCK/LOCK: Force something open for sum rounds or lock something shut (STR check must beat sum + 10 to open) for dice x 10 minutes.
3. MAGE HAND: You create a spectral, floating hand that can manipulate items within 30ft, as your hand could, that lasts sum x 10 minutes. At 2+ dice, you can make the hand invisible.
4. LIGHT/DARKNESS: Touch an object to have it project magical light or darkness at a radius of dice x 15ft for up to sum x 10 minutes. Alternatively, you can blind a sighted creature for sum rounds, STR save to resist. Each turn, they can try the save again as an action.
5. SLEEP: Dice hit dice of creatures within 30ft of you must make a CHA save or fall into a light slumber for sum rounds, or sum hit dice of creatures for dice rounds. and can’t be awoken by anything less vigorous than a slap. Unaware, unalert, drunk targets do not get a save. Creatures are affected in ascending order of their HD.
6. GREASE: Slick grease covers the ground in a dice x 10-foot square centered on a point within 60ft and turns it into difficult terrain for up to 10 minutes. All creatures affected must make a DEX save or drop prone.
7. ILLUSION: Create an illusion affecting dice senses in a sum x dice x 10 ft cube. Lasts sum x 10 minutes. One illusion per cube.
8. ANIMATE OBJECT: Animate up to dice Large or smaller objects for sum x 10 minutes or up to sum objects no larger than Small for dice rounds.
9. INVISIBILITY: Dice targets you touch are invisible for sum x 10 minutes. Casting a spell or attacking ends the spell early.
10. LEVITATE: For sum rounds, you gain control over the altitude of a creature or object that doesn’t weigh more than dice light humans.
11. COUNTERSPELL: As a reaction, you attempt to interrupt a creature you can see within 60ft that’s in the process of casting a spell. Compare this spell’s [dice] to the [dice] of the spell the target is casting.
* If you are investing more dice, the spell fails and has no effect.
* If you are investing an equal or lesser number of dice, compare the sum.
* If you win or draw, the spell fails and has no effect. If you lose, the spell is cast.
12. FIREBALL: A bright streak flashes from your pointing finger to a point you choose within 120ft and then detonates into an 20ft radius explosion of flame. Each creature caught in the fireball takes sum damage, DEX save for half.
You may work with the GM to create your very own custom spell. The spell has your name in the title.
If you can’t think of anything, you may instead learn any 2 spells of your choice from any spell school or all the spells you don’t know from this spell school.
// Elementalist
FIRE BOLT: Shoot a fire bolt at a target within line of sight and 120ft. Roll d20 + INT + PB against the target’s AC. If it hits, it deals 1d4 + INT damage. This counts as an Attack.
MINOR ELEMENT: Summon a minor example of an element (a drop of acid, a puff of flame, a few flakes of ice, a spark, etc.). This cannot deal damage.
READ THE WEATHER: You create a tiny, harmless sensory effect that predicts what the weather will tomorrow at your current location. The effect lasts for about a minute, and might manifest as a golden orb for clear skies, a cloud of rain, falling snowflakes for snow, etc.
[ELEMENT] = Pick the element when you learn the spell. Re-learn a spell as an additional spell by choosing another element.
1. [ELEMENT] ATTACK: Deal sum elemental damage to a target within 120ft. The spell has additional effects depending on the element, for example:
* Fire: Target catches on fire, taking 1d6 damage at the start of its turns. DEX save for half damage and they don’t catch fire.
* Cold: Target’s speed is reduced by 10ft and they attack and make DEX rolls with D* for the spell’s duration. CON save for half damage, and to negate further effects.
* Acid: Target begins to dissolve, taking 1d6 acid damage at the start of its turns. CON save for half damage and they stop dissolving, taking no further damage. The acid can still be scraped or washed off by spending an entire round doing so. Can bore dice-ft wide holes in walls.
* Lightning: If the target is within 20ft, the lash of lightning pulls the target up to 10ft in a straight line towards you, STR save to resist and for half damage.
2. WALL OF [ELEMENT]: At a point within 120ft, you create dice 10ft x 10ft panels, 1ft thick, of [element] to form a wall that lasts for 10 minutes. You can mould the wall, similar to cutting holes and notches in a sheet of paper. If damaging, it deals dice damage per turn.
3. PROTECTION FROM ELEMENT: Up to dice touched targets gain Resistance against an element of your choice or a single target is Immune to damage from that element for sum x 10 minutes. Also prevents all negative effects (e.g. can breathe in water, don’t get too cold, too hot).
4. ABSORB ELEMENT: If you get hit by an elemental attack, you can cast this spell as a reaction and capture some of the incoming energy. You negate sum damage from the attack and gain Resistance against damage from that element until the start of your next turn. When you hit with a melee attack on your next turn, the target takes an extra 1d6 + dice damage of the absorbed element.
5. [ELEMENT] BREATH: You exhale [element] in a 15ft cone. This does sum damage and has side effects based on the element, save to take half damage and avoid effects.
6. CONTROL [ELEMENT]: You can control and shape [element], as long as it fits within a sum x dice-foot cube within 60ft. Elementalists, as a rule, refrain from playing with lightning.
7. THUNDERWAVE: A wave of thunderous force sweeps out from you. Each creature (and unsecured object) in a 15ft cube originating from you takes sum thunder damage and is pushed 10ft away from you. CON save to take half damage and not be pushed. After they have been pushed away, they must make a DEX save to not fall prone. The spell emits a thunderous boom audible out to 300 feet, deafening creatures affected by the spell until the start of their next turn.
8. CIRCLE OF FROST: For dice rounds, creatures in a [dice] x 10ft area within 30ft take 1d6 cold damage, STR save for half. Everything that fails its save is frozen to whatever surface they were touching. Boots are frozen to the ground, keys are frozen in their locks. Creatures can make STR checks against your Spell Save DC to break free at the start of each of their turns.
9. LIGHTNING BOLT: Dice bolts of lightning arc toward a target of your choice that you can see within 60ft. Each bolt you created beyond the first then leaps from that target to as many other targets as there are additional bolts, each of which must be within 30ft of the first target. A target can be a creature or an object and can be targeted by only one of the bolts. Targets hit by a bolt take sum damage, DEX save for half.
10. TRANSMUTE ELEMENTS: You can turn a sum x dice-foot cube’s mass of the first element into the second or vice versa. Lasts for dice x 10 minutes.
11. SHOCKING GRASP: You enchant your hand so that it discharges sum + dice lightning damage into the next thing you touch, CON save for half. You cannot wear any metal on the hand you enchant. If you deal 12+ damage, you and your target must both make a STR save or be flung apart, knocked prone, and deafened for 1d6 rounds. After 10 minutes, the lightning is discharged, and the spell goes off as if you were the target.
12. FIREBALL: A bright streak flashes from your pointing finger to a point you choose within 120ft and then detonates into an 20ft radius explosion of flame. Each creature caught in the fireball takes sum damage, DEX save for half.
You may work with the GM to create your very own custom spell. The spell has your name in the title. If you can’t think of anything, you may instead learn any 2 spells of your choice from any spell school or all the spells you don’t know from this spell school.
// Illusionist
PRESTIDIGITATION: Choose one effect to create within 10ft:
* You create an instantaneous, harmless sensory effect, such as a shower of sparks, a puff of wind, faint musical notes, or an odd odor.
* You instantaneously light or snuff out a candle, a torch, or a small campfire.
* You instantaneously clean or soil an object no larger than 1 cubic foot.
* You chill, warm, or flavor up to 1 cubic foot of nonliving material for 1 hour.
* You make a color, a small mark, or a symbol appear on an object or a surface for 1 hour.
* You create a clearly illusory image that can fit in your hand and that lasts until the end of your next turn.
CAPTURE ILLUSION: Touch another caster’s illusion and make an opposed INT test. If you succeed, you gain control of their illusion.
MAINTAIN ILLUSION: You can maintain an illusion spell through concentration. If you break concentration, they expire at the end of their duration.
1. ILLUSION: Create an illusion affecting dice senses in a sum x dice x 10 ft cube. Lasts sum x 10 minutes. One illusion per cube.
2. SHADOW BLADE: You weave together threads of shadow to create a sword of solidified gloom in your hand, which you are proficient in, and lasts for up to sum rounds. It deals 1d6 + dice damage on a hit, and has the finesse, light, and thrown (20/60) properties. When you attack a target that is in dim light/darkness, you have A*. If you drop the weapon or throw it, it dissipates at the end of the turn. Thereafter, while the spell persists, you can use a bonus action to cause the sword to reappear in your hand.
3. ALTER PERCEPTIONS: For dice x 10 minutes, invent or conceal up to dice features of the party. For each feature, modify reaction rolls accordingly.
4. MIRROR IMAGE: For up to 10 minutes, you create 1d3 + dice illusory images of yourself, which move as you move and always stay within 5ft of you. They are constantly stepping through each other, so that it is impossible to tell which is which. When an enemy attacks you, roll to see if they hit you or an image. Each image has 1hp. Area effects always hit all images.
5. MIRROR OBJECT: You reach into a mirror-like surface and pull out a copy of a non-living object adjacent to the mirror. The object must be within reach of the mirror (as if it were a window), small enough to fit through the mirror and you must be able to pull it through with one hand. The mirror object looks and feels exactly like the original. It doesn't copy any magical properties of the object. The mirror object has 1hp. At 4+ dice, you can copy the magical properties of an item, but those magical properties will only function once. For items with continuous properties, such as a flying carpet, the magic properties will last no longer than 10 minutes.
6. LIGHT/DARKNESS: Touch an object to have it project magical light or darkness at a radius of dice x 15ft for up to sum x 10 minutes. Alternatively, you can blind a sighted creature for sum rounds, STR save to resist. Each turn, they can try the save again as an action.
7. INVISIBILITY: Dice targets you touch are invisible for sum x 10 minutes. Casting a spell or attacking ends the spell early.
8. MAGIC MOUTH: You implant a message within an object within 30ft. The message must be sum x dice words or less must be 25 words or less. Finally, determine the circumstance that will trigger the spell to deliver your message. When that circumstance occurs, a magical mouth appears on the object and recites the message in your voice and at the same volume you spoke. This spell lasts until dispelled.
* If the object has a mouth or similar (for example, the mouth of a statue), the words appear to come from the object's mouth.
* When you cast this spell, you can have the spell end after it delivers its message, or it can remain and repeat its message whenever triggered.
* The triggering circumstance must be based on visual/audible conditions that occur within 30ft of the object (e.g. you could instruct the mouth to speak when any creature moves within 30ft of the object or when a silver bell rings within 30ft of it).
9. PHANTASMAL NIGHTMARE: For up to sum rounds, you project a phantasmal image of a target creature's worst fears. They take 1d6 psychic damage, and become frightened for the duration, WIS save for half damage and to not be frightened. If the creature ends its turn in a location where it doesn't have line of sight to you, the creature can make another WIS save to lose frightened.
10. WALL OF LIGHT: At a point within 120ft, you create dice 10ft x 10ft panels, 1ft thick, to form a wall that lasts for 10 minutes. You can mould the wall, similar to cutting holes and notches in a sheet of paper. The wall is intangible, but you can choose what each sides shows: (1) inky darkness, (2) light as bright as a torch, (3) mirror, (4) transparent, or (5) a simple texture (e.g. stone, brick, carpet). Both sides do not have to show the same thing.
11. MIRROR SELF: You pull out [dice] copies of yourself from a mirror-like surface that’s large enough for you to pass through. Your mirror clones behave as you wish, but are functionally intangible. You can see through their eyes, hear through their ears, and cast spells through them. You can switch places with your mirror twin as a bonus action. Each twin has 1hp, your AC, and lasts for up to 10 minutes.
12. FADE: Target creature or object within 30ft phases out and becomes unable to affect or be affected by the world in any way for up to sum rounds. It merely stands or floats like an illusion. The maximum size of the object depends on dice (1 dice is Medium, 2 dice is Large...).
When you create an illusion, as a bonus action, you can choose one inanimate, nonmagical object that is part of the illusion and make that object real for up to 1 minute. The object can’t directly harm anyone. For example, you can create an illusion of a bridge over a chasm and then make it real long enough for your allies to cross.
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