It's been a while - too long.
But I've still been making stuff, and an update to Runaway Princesses will hopefully be released soon.
In the meantime, I'll be uploading some core classes for Runaway Princesses or anything in the GLOGosphere.
Jeff Simpson for Assassin's Creed: Valhalla |
Weapon Proficiency: All melee weapons, all thrown weapons.
Tool Proficiency: None.
Saving Throw Proficiency: Strength, Constitution.
Starting Skills: Choose three from (1) Animal Handling, (2) Athletics, (3) Leadership, (4) Nature, (5) Perception, and (6) Survival.
Starting Equipment: Greataxe (heavy, 1d12 + STR dmg, 2 slots), two handaxes (light, 1d6 + STR dmg, 3 in 1 slot, thrown).
Level 2: Reckless Attack, +1 Critical Hit Range (19-20)
Level 3: Brutal Critical, Feat of Strength
Level 4: Rage for the Ages
* You have an extra attack.
* You roll +1d6 on STR and CON checks.
* You have resistance (halve damage taken)s against physical damage.
* You can’t do anything defensive, curative, or tactical – all you can and want to do is attempt to kill things.
* You are immune to feeling pain and fear.
* Anyone who injures you during a rage becomes an enemy.
Rage Die: Track how much damage you’ve dealt while in your Rage on a d20 - your Rage Die (don’t track beyond 20).
Calm Down: You or an ally can spend an action to try to end your Rage prematurely with a CHA check, where the DC is equal to the Rage Die’s current value.
* Reckless attacks gain +1d6 on the attack.
* Keep the d6 in front of you, or place it next to your miniature/token. Attacks targeting you get the same bonus till the end of round.
You reroll 1s when rolling critical damage.
* When you kill a creature or roll a Critical Hit, choose one:
1. Immediately make another attack.
2. Heal a number of HP equal to your Berserker Level.
* Your extra attack may be Reckless too.
* You are immune to mind-control.
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Roman Kupriianov |
Hit Dice: d10
Weapon Proficiency: All weapons.
Tool Proficiency: None.
Saving Throw Proficiency: Strength, Constitution.
Starting Skills: Choose three from (1) Acrobatics, (2) Animal Handling, (3) Athletics, (4) History, (5) Medicine, (6) Leadership, (7) Perception, and (8) Survival.
Starting Equipment: Chainmail (medium, +4 AC, 2 slots), any melee weapon, shield (+1 AC, sunder to reduce incoming damage by 1d12), any weapon.
Level 1: Weapon Techniques, Parry
Level 2: Extra Attack, +1 Weapon Technique
Level 3: Threat Assessment, +1 Weapon Technique
Level 4: +2 Weapon Techniques
You start with 1 Weapon Technique. While wielding a weapon, if you have any relevant Weapon Techniques in it, you gain the bonuses granted by those Weapon Techniques.
// Roll d10
1. Cleave (slashing weapons): If you kill a creature, you can immediately make a single free attack on a creature within melee reach.
2. Dual Wielding (two weapons): You can add your attribute modifier to the damage of the second attack.
3. Haft Attack (polearm, staff, held in two hands): After attacking, you may immediately make another attack with the other end of the weapon, as a bonus action with D*. If it hits, it deals 1d6 damage.
4. Heavy Attack (heavy weapons): You can choose to roll initiative with D* to deal +1d6 damage on your turn.
5. Riposte (one-handed sword): When you Parry the incoming damage to 0, and your off-hand is free, you may use your reaction to make a free melee attack against the opponent.
6. Precise Strike (finesse weapon): When you attack, you may treat the target’s AC as equal to their Dexterity instead.
7. Shield Bash (shields): When you hit an opponent in melee with a shield, you can bash them, granting A* on attacks against until they use an action to recover.
8. Swift Reload (missile weapons with reload): You can reload as a bonus action.
9. Swift Shot (missile weapons without reload): After attacking, you may immediately make an attack with the same weapon, as a bonus action with D*.
10. Throwing (throwing weapons): As a bonus action, you may throw a throwing weapon with D* if you have a free hand.
Based off Lexi's:
Once per Rest, you can use your reaction to reduce the incoming damage of a melee attack by 1d6 + Fighter Level points.
With a shield equipped, you can parry ranged attacks and may sunder it to parry 12 + Fighter Level damage instead.
When you attack, you may attack twice.
When you attack with D*, you may exchange your second attack to cancel the D*.
After 10 minutes studying a creature or 1 round fighting it, you can ask the GM:
* What Level they are, and they will answer truthfully.
* If they have any damage resistances or vulnerabilities.
The GM will answer truthfully.
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